, China
Member Since: 2010
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Reflective Vinyl Letters
When in the market for suitable signage to use at night time then consider using reflective lettering for this purprose. Reflective vinyl lettering is a premium film designed to reflect a much higher amount of light than typical intermediate or cast grade vinyl. This means when you shine light at the reflective surface you will get a very noticeable reflection. Some places you typically see this sort of lettering is on emergency vehicles such as police cars. ambulance. fire truck.mining and just about any other vehicle that needs to be seen easily at night. Another place you can find reflective vinyl is on surfaces such as road signs. Typically green reflective vinyl is used on these types of surfaces as a base then screen printed white ink over top. This provides a sufficiently reflective surface for most any road sign.
What You Need to Know about Reflective Vinyl
If you are thinking of using reflective vinyl lettering. however. you should know that this material does not give off light. Instead. it is only designed to be visible when another source of light strikes it. Every time this occurs. the material reflects the light and throws it back. thus allowing the person to see what's written on the sign.
Due to the unique properties of reflective vinyl. it comes with certain challenges. For example. when it reflects light. there is usually a shifting in the colours. This means that a vinyl lettering will look slightly different in daylight and at night when it is reflecting light. This is why white reflective looks more on the grey side in daylight. while black reflective is brownish.
• Size 1". 2.5". 3". 6" character height or custom
• Color Available: White. Red. Blue. Green. Yellow. Orange. Flurescent Yellow and orange
• Material Options:
1. Glass Bead Reflective Film :
Commercial Grade Reflective Film and Engneering Grade Reflective Film
2. Prismatic Reflective Sheeting
HIP Reflective Sheeting. EGP Reflective Sheeting and Diamond Grade Reflective Sheeting
3. Reflective Magnetic Sheeting
• Expected Outdoor Durability: 5+ years
• Service Temperature Range: -50ºF to 110ºF
• Water Resistance: Very Good
• Solvents Resistance: Very Good
• UV Resistance: Very Good
• Abrasion Resistance: Very Good
• Custom Shapes Includes
1. Numbers and letters
2. Rectangle. Triangle .Circle Shape. And any customized shapes
If you are looking for any other special reflective vinyl material.we do sell it!;