Q: If order more, will there be any discount?
A: For new customers: There is a small discount, but when the order value more will give more discount;
For old customer: discount details discuss with us further.
Q: When can receives samples/goods after payment?
A: Normally,we will send them by DHL/UPS/Fedex/TNT etc, and it takes very fast days, about 5-7days.
Q: If still have not received the product after 5 days, what should we do?
A: Maybe your address is not scope for DHL/UPS/Fedex/TNT etc,
If still have not received it by then, Please contact with us by TM or email.
Q: If we received goods in broken, what should we do?
A: Every items before shipping is well inspected,
Though we packed well, it still can't be avoid because of rough handling by shipping.In this case,
please contact with us and let me know how many quantity in broken, then we will try our best to do.